martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008


you followed me,I followed you, why are you trying to say it was the opposite? The only thing was that I get a little nervous, but in the end is what you said: missing, missed, remembering.
Some people recommended to me that when the time that I had given myself runned out,I came back again. And so it was,I came back again,but what happened is that then was you the one that decided to depart me from your side.
You forgot what a day I meaned to you, something that I qualified as remorse of conscience.
I think you did not even know that friendship is a feeling a lot stronger than pride or guilt, and if I exceed my pride, why do not you overcome your guilt?
You took me when I was about to plummet, and now in fact I miss this lack of support because the speed with which I am now down dizzying is amazing.
A tear escapes the more I reread the thing:" I´m sorry, I have gotten into your life to do this,I never wanted to hurt you".
You have not understood that you did much more damage later, by not letting me go back to being "bobby cricket".

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